Fukuyama Mama

No need to buy Francis Fukuyama’s new book to enjoy his repudiation of hard-earned neo-con bona fides: Louis Menand gets to the heart of things here. http://www.newyorker.com/critics/books/articles/060327crbo_books

Money snip from Fukuyama himself (which Menand later expounds on in depth):

But conceiving the larger struggle [so-called GWOT] as a global war comparable to the world wars or the Cold War vastly overstates the scope of the problem, suggesting that we are taking on a large part of the Arab and Muslim worlds. Before the Iraq war, we were probably at war with no more than a few thousand people around the world who would consider martyring themselves and causing nihilistic damage to the United States. The scale of the problem has grown because we have unleashed a maelstrom.

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